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Portfolio of Work
Laying hen house types: Cage and Cage-free. Cage house involves conventional A-frame and enriched colony cages. Cage-free house involves both indoor and outdoor types.
Cage-free hen house

Laying hen house types: Cage and Cage-free. Cage house involves conventional A-frame and enriched colony cages. Cage-free house involves both indoor and outdoor types.
Enriched colony cage hen house

Role of particle size of limestone on eggshell quality
Conventional A-frame hen cage

Lighting and hen physiology and behavior
Hy-Line W-36 hens are used to study the production and behavior during their early phase of production.

Projects: Projects
Use of video recording system to study the behavior of laying hen in cage-free (2019)

Projects: Projects
Protease supplementation in laying hen diets (2019-2020)

Projects: Projects
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