Graduate Research Assistant
Milan Sharma
Milan Sharma is a graduate research assistant. He is in his Master program in Adhikari lab at the poultry science department. His project focuses on laying hen house type and hen strain and their effect on egg production, bone health and hen welfare.

Graduate Research Assistant
Ishab Poudel
Ishab Poudel is a graduate research assistant. He is in his Master program in Adhikari lab at the poultry science department. His project focuses on laying hen lighting program and its effect on egg behavior, production, and hen welfare.

Undergraduate (2017-2019)
Danya Brown
Danya Brown is an undergraduate student. She was involved in assisting her fellow graduate students in our lab as well as in the farm from 2017 to 2019. She has experience in hen handling, husbandry, and monitoring egg production and egg quality.

Undergraduate (2018-present)
Victoria Williams
Victoria (Tori) Williams is an undergraduate working under her directed individual study (DIS) program for Fall 2018 and Spring 2019. Her research focusses on monitoring the egg status in three major housing types; conventional, enriched colony and cage-free.

Courtney Fancher (2019)
Courtney is an undergraduate working under her directed individual study (DIS) program for Spring 2019. She is assisting graduate students on monitoring the egg production in three major housing types; conventional, enriched colony and cage-free.

Alexis Turnipseed (2019-2020)
Alexis is an undergraduate working under her directed individual study (DIS) program for Fall 2019. She is assisting a graduate student on monitoring the egg production and feed intake in calcium supplementation research study.